Private IP Addresses A Hidden Network
The difference between public and private IP addresses is that the public ones can be seen on the internet and private ones are in the same local internet. Invisible to the outside world, these devices are an efficient and secure way to connect devices within a network.
What is a Private IP Address?
Private IP Address: The private IP address identifies a device on a local network, home network, or corporate LAN (Local Area Network). It is used for discovering and communicating between devices on it.
Why Private IP Addresses?
- Security: Private network saves devices outside threats.
- Always have a good effect on Utility: on account of personal ip (thanks to characteristic) addresses may also be a whole lot less complicated to adjust and do away with the load on the internet effectivity in the lengthy run.
- Flexibility: multiple networks within the same supernet with privately scoped ranges
Private IP Address Ranges
IANA defined these private IP address ranges just like you can see them here: to to ~
How does it work?
- Now, Network Address Translation (NAT): When a device inside a private netowrk attempts to communicate with a device on the public internet, a NAT router translates the private IP to public IP.
- Routing The Packet: The router forwards the packet (with a public IP as a source) to the internet.
- Response and Return: When a reply or response packet comes back, the router maps the public IP address back to the original private IP address and sends the packet to the corresponding device.
Routers are the devices that allow you to communicate with the rest of the world — not just devices on your private network over the internet. They translate addresses from Private to Public IP addresses and everything works.
Security for Private Networks
- They can be safe, but you should really be extra careful from here:
- Use Strong Passwords: Choose strong and distinct passwords for your router and other network devices.
- Firewall: Turn on the firewall of your routers to stop unknown entry.
- Realignment: Keep your router and other network device firmware up to date with security patches.
- Secure Wi-Fi: WPA3 and strong Wi-Fi password.
- Restrict Access Only allow authenticated devices and users to access your network.
There you go, your understanding of private IPs and how they work.