Reserved IP Addresses What Is It?
Static IP addresses are a specific group of IP that do not belong to any network. These are used for things like network admin, test comps or unique applications.
IP Addresses Reserved For What?
Reserving IP addresses is carried out in order to keep the internet up an running smoothly. When admins reserve certain IP address ranges from use, network conflicts headache is reduced and you are able to allocate the rest of the available usable IPs more efficiently.
Reserved (Common IP Address Ranges)
Private IP Address Ranges:
- : This is used for private networks within organisations
- Class B: 172.16.0. 0/12 (for private networks, very suitable for a network in an organization)
- This address range is especially for home or office networks [subnettion]
Loopback IP Address
- 8.0. 16777216 Sys+Reg: Loopback address /sp),it is typically used by a device to refer itself and meant for internal addressing only
Link-Local IP Addresses:
These ranges are described here: static range for networked devices that have no access to DHCP service Intended for inter device communication of the same network segment.
Unique Local Addresses (ULA)
- FC007: Used for Local Multicast (Unique local address) within a site or organization Not rout able on the internet.
Examples of Reserved IP Addresses uses
- Private Networks: Private networks are created using private IP addresses within organizations. This lets devices securely talk to each other without the need for them to be open the public internet.
- Network Admin: Networks admins use static IP because they are configuring the routers and switches to specify where all forms of traffic should go when inetbib.IP addresses must be specified.
- This includes techniques such as using reserved IP address for testing network configurations and other applications in controlled environments.
- Special applications: Some web services rely on a fixed IP address —a VPN, for example, or even virtual machines.
Why Having Reserved IP Addresses Matter
Reserved IP addresses are vital to the functioning state of a large portion of the internet. Network Admins can manage and configure Family of reserved IP addresses by understanding different types that exists, their utility.
In Summary
Static or reserved IP addresses are an internet construct. Being beneficial in reducing redundant IP address allocation, secure network communication as well working efficiently with Network Admin and Testing. With a better understanding of reserved IP address you can go off and manage your network more effectively.